Transitional Youth Mobilizing for Change (TYM4Change) is a California nonprofit organization with a mission to empower youth 16-24 years of age to build skills, achieve their potential, and become agents of change in their communities through learning, research, and action. 

We recruit youth who, for a variety of reasons, may lack the opportunities that make college and professional employment a given in their futures. By participating in youth-driven research and service learning projects focused on education, advocacy, and community development, TYM4Change empowers youth people to (1) learn about their community’s needs, (2) identify and research ways to meet them, and (3) take action–all while building vital leadership, research, and social-emotional skills. 

As a result of their participation in TYM4Change, youth are prepared for and better able to achieve high school graduation, compete successfully to enter the college of their choice, advance in career-related employment, and grow as individuals–all while directly strengthening their communities. Along with all the other advantages of working in a team to make a real difference in the world, youth may be eligible to receive a monthly gift card in recognition for their hours of service.


  • We create opportunities for youth to develop critical life skills, gain job experience, and address important community needs through research and service.We collect and analyze data from surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other primary and secondary sources of information.
  • We create documentary films to raise awareness about issues of concern to our community.
  • We work with community members, schools, businesses, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, and community-based organizations to address critical needs in the community.
  • We build the capacity of youth to achieve their academic and employment goals, and we do this by helping them make a positive difference in our world.